Lent 2025

Our theme for Lent 2025 is "A way in the wilderness":  

See, I am doing a new thing!

    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

    and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

The season of Lent is the season of preparation for Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and concluding with Holy Week, the remembering of Jesus’ Passion (suffering) leading to the Cross. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, April 13, and ends with the feast of Jesus’ Resurrection on April 20.  Click here for "A Guide to Lent 2025" at Grace Community, including events and resources for observing Lent. 

Join us for Sunday worship

at 10:30am

We worship together in person at

1371 Truman Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024

Sunday's order of worship

We want everyone to feel safe as we gather.  Some are still wearing a face covering indoors.  Hand sanitizer is provided and we keep a record of everyone present in case of the need for contact tracing. 

During our Sunday morning worship we offer nursery (0-2 years), children's programs (pre-K to 5th grade), and middle school and high school programs.

Give to Grace

Becoming like Jesus together

Welcome to our church family!

Life in Silicon Valley is hectic and stressful.  A church family is a place to find rest for our souls and renewal that we can share with our broken world.  Grace Community's core values are to be relevant, inviting, celebrating and encouraging.  We seek to live out these values in our Sunday worship,  our small groups, and through local and global service.

Grace Community Covenant Church is about two things: sharing the good news of hope and healing in Jesus, and helping each other become like Jesus together. The Holy Spirit's life transforming power is expressed in us, and our world, as we share our spiritual journeys and follow God's Word.  We meet for Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. at 1371 Truman Ave. Los Altos, California. Join us as we journey together!

...encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11